DIRECTLY SWAP NFTs within Piggy Planet

- PiggySwap brings about outstanding features, such as low cost, comprehensive interface, and token swapping feature in ERC-20, BEP-20, TRC-20 and Polygon networks.
- Through smart contracts on PiggySwap, NFT owners can directly swap their NFTs with other users within the platform, or use their NFTs to purchase NFTs of others.
- Users can use NFTs earned from Piggy Planet to swap with each other on PiggySwap.
With every transaction, an amount of fee will be distributed to PIGI holders accordingly based on the number of tokens they are possessing at the time. The rest will be put in pool burn to avoid inflation in the ecosystem.
- The circulation mechanism of PIGI tokens in Piggy Planet and PiggySwap is illustrated in the following diagram:

Revenue Streams
50% of fees from breeding Piggies and swapping NFT will circle back to PIGI holders. The rest will be burnt to avoid inflation in the ecosystem. The fee from each transaction will include
- Breeding: 0.01% of total transaction value
- Swapping NFT: 0.01% of total transaction value